Brush, Chalk, & Charcoal: Foundations in Drawing
Brush Drawing Lesson Supplies:
Round brush any size 6-10 (synthetic fibers are more economical; natural fibers are softer and hold more water than synthetic)
Already made palette of choice
Magenta (Q. Pink), Sap Green, Burnt Sienna, & Indigo are all great additions to this palette for convenience
ceramic plate for mixing (this would be for indoor lessons)
Empty plastic travel palette (fill it with multiple tube colors of your choice for field sketching)
Water in a container to rinse brush
Blotting towel (folded up paper towel is great)
Mixed media paper (at least 9”x11”)
2 sheets of cold press paper per student (between 8” x 10” and 9” x 12” size)
A quarter/stencil (or similar sized round object for tracing circles)
Something to taste such as seeds, herbs, candy, citrus foods, etc.
Optional: fine pigment liner
Optional: drawing board, table easel, painter’s tape (pick from this list)
Optional but encouraged: student sketchbook for practice in between (8.25” x 11.4”)
Charcoal & Chalk Supplies:
Any sized mixed media paper (this one is 11” x 14”)
Vine charcoal (or any short medium such as oil pastel, chalk or conté crayon)
Old sock or discarded cloth dedicated for charcoal wiping
Fixative spray (you only need this if you want your charcoal drawings preserved. All charcoal drawings will rub some.)
Soap (for clean-up)
Microfiber cleaning cloth (for clean-up)
Optional: drawing board or table easel (choose from this list)