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Your beginner course supply list:

This is a comprehensive list of everything I use in my beginner course. Below, you’ll see what’s essential and what’s optional.

 Brush, Chalk, & Charcoal: Foundations in Drawing

Brush Drawing Lesson Supplies:


  • Water in a container to rinse brush

  • Blotting towel (folded up paper towel is great)

  • Mixed media paper (at least 9”x11”)

  • 2 sheets of cold press paper per student (between 8” x 10” and 9” x 12” size)

  • A quarter/stencil (or similar sized round object for tracing circles)

  • Pencil 

  • Something to taste such as seeds, herbs, candy, citrus foods, etc.

  • Optional: fine pigment liner

Charcoal & Chalk Supplies:

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